Behind Dapper

About the Writer

Hello. My name is Ashley.

Ash, for short. 

I am a 23 year old living in Southern Alberta, continuously working on finding my place in this world; looking for the right job, the right city, the right people to surround myself with. I was born and raised in Calgary, AB, Canada to two young parents. When I was three, my dad decided to leave the family, and so I was raised by a single mother. She taught me perseverance and hard work, juggling multiple jobs to keep our family afloat. My grandparents were also a huge influence, continuing to support me to this day.

“Still round the corner there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

When I was nine, my mother met my future step father. When I was 12, my brother was born. At 13 my mother got married, then at 14 and 16, my two sisters came along. My family quickly grew from 2 to 5. I went from a “lonely child,” as I would tell my mother, to a teen overwhelmed by the change in volume within the house. I had always asked for a little sister named Julie, for as long as I can remember. I may not have gotten Julie, but I definitely got a blessing, or many blessings.

As I grew older, and grew as a person, multitudes of different passions began to reveal themselves. The first being Irish Dancing. I loved Irish dancing from the minute I first saw it. I was taken to a show with my family and apparently finished by dancing up and down the aisles along with the people on stage. I danced competitively until I was 17, finishing with a total of 13 gold medals (pretty cool, right?).

In addition to dance, I started loving photography and cameras. I loved taking pictures of anything and everything, figuring out the slow and hard way how to use lighting, proportions, etc. I also started collecting cameras – those that function and those that don’t. From all of these photos, I started scrapbooking, starting with albums of my brother and sister in their first year. From scrapbooking, I began making cards for birthdays, Christmas, etc. The projects just got bigger and bigger.

Before I knew it, I graduated University….


To be continued.